Monday, May 31, 2010

Faraon and Co.

This weekend was very busy and so will require multiple posts! Here is the first one which has snapshots of my casual shoot with Faraon and his family's pets. 2 shelties, 2 cats (I only saw one...), 1 bull mastiff and 1 mixed breed dog.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Drummond Family

This weekend while everyone else was off camping or partaking in long weekend shenanagans, I headed to Prince's Island Park in Calgary for a shoot with the Luther/Drummond Family. Michelle and her fiancee Chris have two energetic little boys, Alex & Aidyn. Keeping up with them was definitely a good work out! Never under estimate a kiddie's need to visit a near by playground. We also paused very briefly for a few engagement pictures of Michelle and Chris, who will be getting married this summer.

Here are a few of my favourites from the shoot... And yes, I use the word few liberally...

I could have sworn Aidyn was going to end up with rocks down the back of his pants...
Alex is one of the bravest little boys I've ever met. Only months earlier he had surgery to help his lazy eyelids, something he's struggled with since birth.

This simple shot of the boys holding hands is my personal favourite for the day.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

Today I tagged along with the Dream Police for their weekly Sunday game. They played two games back to back. Although they lost their first game, they came back and stood up to their competition in the second game. Their jerseys give them such a unifying theme, I couldn't resist posting a few pictures.