Monday, May 4, 2015

So what have you been up to?

It's been quite a while since I've actually managed to do a blog post.  As you can see, like most photographers I became bogged down by the number and frequency of blog posts.  And then I did what artists should never do...

I went on a hiatus.

And even worse, I did it pretty much unannounced.


Well, my marriage came to a screeching halt and my life was turned upside down.  After that I wasn't entirely sure if I was staying our beautiful Calgary... I changed jobs and spent over a year and half working and travelling.  It was nice but after awhile I started to miss shooting.

So here I find myself getting back into the swing of things; shooting, editing and updating this behemoth of a blog.  It might take a little while to get the changes up and running on here but there blog posts will start coming back. 

My office job is full time so for now my photography will remain a part time occupation. 

I don't work the normal 8am-5pm Monday to Friday office gig anymore so that does provide a little more availability for folks in the sense that sessions can be on weekdays/nights and weekends.  Weekends are of course ideal for most family sessions so if your hoping for a weekend session please understand that weekends aren't always available on short notice.

What else? Oh, I've got a new website!

Everyone always seemed to be mixing up the .ca versus .com so I went ahead and made it easier for you guys!

I do ask that folks don't call me to discuss preliminary photo session details, since my full time job has me talking on the phones all day (and night) but if you do really feel the need to call, you can find my contact phone number on the contact page of the new website. :)

Now let's get on to the fun part!

Thanks & Shutter clicks,


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